
Videos in this section were produced by youth from the Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, and Oglala Sioux Tribes through The Future Generations Teen Photojournalism Project.

The morning of December 28 on the 2019 Oomaka Tokatakiya, Footage from Tripp Porras, 10, from Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

Three Days on the Future Generations Ride, 2019

Video shot and edited on the 2019 Future Generations Ride, by Fronda White, 12, Jessie Porras, 11, and Kia Kills Crow, 13, from Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota.

2015 Oomaka Tokatakiya Day Two

Video produced by Jesse James White, from Standing Rock, of day two of the Oomaka Tokatakiya, Future Generations Ride 2015.

Shad Young Agard from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe sings the Big Foot Song as riders leave Opp’s Ranch on the morning of December 12, 2012

The Thirteenth Day of the Future Generations Ride, 2019

On the thirteenth day of the Oomaka Tokatakiya, Angelle Dorothy Young Hawk Miner, 14, from Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and Love Hopkins, 9, from White Shield, ND, wore GoPro cameras and selected clips to offer a sdense of the ride that day. The shot and edited this video.

25 Anniversary of the Big Foot Ride by Jamie Turning Holy

Jamie Turning Holy, from the Oglala Sioux Tribe, shot and edited this video taken from horseback as she rode on the 25th Anniversary of the Big Foot Ride.